Nicola Klemz

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aktuelle Bilderzahl {número actual de cuadros}:
☞   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P-Q  R  S  T  U  V  W-Y  Z
☜  A:
Klemz: evening landscape II {Paysage dans la soirée} Klemz: in the evening {Dans la soirée} Klemz: evening by the river {Le soir sur la rivière} Klemz: evening calmness {Le calme du soir} Klemz: evening calmness I {Le calme du soir} Klemz: evening calmness II {Le calme du soir} Klemz: dusk {Heure du soir} Klemz: dusk II {Heure du soir}
Klemz: dusk III {Heure du soir} Klemz: parting {Adieu} Klemz: absurd society {Société absurde} Klemz: waiting with utmost calm (a superior position...) {Attendre avec calme extrêmement (une position supérieure...)} Klemz: Adam Klemz: Afghanistan Klemz(Knop): nude {Nu} Klemz: nude in red {Nue en rouge}
Klemz(Knop): nightmare of the puppeteer {Cauchemar du marionnettiste} Klemz: Alice Klemz(Knop): Alice - caught in a dream? {Alice - enfermée dans un rêve?} Klemz: allegory of idleness {Allégorie d'inertie} Klemz: old fears in a new garment {Anciennes peurs dans nouveaux habits} Klemz(Knop): an old friendship {Amitié ancienne} Klemz: amazone Klemz: amazone I
Klemz: ending of a friendship {Fin d'une amitié} Klemz: by the green river {Sur la rivière verte} Klemz: by the green river II {Sur la rivière verte} Klemz: by the green river III {Sur la rivière verte} Klemz: girlfriends {Amis} Klemz: by the sea {Sur le bord de mer} Klemz: in the morning {Matin} Klemz: in the morning I {Matin}
Klemz: morning after the parting {Le matin après d'adieu} Klemz: morning before departing {Le matin avant le départ} Klemz: on the banks of the Elbe river {Sur les rives de l'Elbe} Klemz: on the banks of the Wörnitz river {Sur les rives de la Wörnitz} Klemz: Aphrodite Klemz: Aphrodite I Klemz: Aphrodite's garden {Jardin d'Aphrodite} Klemz: Aphrodite's garden {Jardin d'Aphrodite}
Klemz: Artemis Klemz: Assia Djebar Klemz: Athena's companions {Les compagnons d'Athéna} Klemz: uprising at full moon? {Émeute à la pleine lune?} Klemz: departure {Départ} Klemz: seeking new horizons {À la recherche de nouveaux horizons} Klemz: on life's stage {Sur la scène de la vie} Klemz: refugee {En fuite}
Klemz(Knop): excursion of the fishes {Excursion des poissons} Klemz: no way out {Sans issue}

☜  B:
Klemz: Babylonian dreams {Rêves babyloniens} Klemz: balance or threat? {Équilibre ou menace?} Klemz: Balz pathétique Klemz(Knop): tree outside paradise {Arbre sans bon ou mauvais} Klemz: Beatrice Klemz: Bedouin fairy tales {Contes bédouines} Klemz: ritual of liberation {Rituel de libération} Klemz: encounter {Rencontre}
Klemz: sheltered beauty {Beauté protégé par un chapeau} Klemz: with Dionysus {À proximité de Dionysos} Klemz: visit of the dark sister {Visite de la sœur sombre} Klemz: images of remembrance - in the morning before the departure {Images du mémoire - le matin avant le départ} Klemz: the blue hour {À l'heure bleue} Klemz: look from Schellenberg {Regard de Schellenberg} Klemz: blind familiarity {Connaissance aveugle} Klemz(Knop): flowers on turquoise {Fleurs sur la turquoise}
Klemz: flowers from Arabian Nights {Fleurs de Les Mille et Une Nuits} Klemz(Knop): flowers in the wind {Fleurs au vent} Klemz: floral still life Klemz: Bonadea Klemz(Knop): Brodten Klemz: Buddha {Bouddha} Klemz: Buggenhofen

☜  C:
Klemz: Cala Siscal (Murcia) Klemz: Caldera Klemz: Saint Christopher Klemz: Clarissa Klemz(Knop): Clarisse Klemz: Condition Humaine Klemz: Cordelia Klemz: Cuesta de Gos (Murcia)
Klemz: Cupiditas

☜  D:
Klemz(Knop): demon of vanity {Le spectre de vanité} Klemz: Daniel's landscape Klemz: Daniel's landscape II Klemz: Daphne Klemz: Daphne remembers... Klemz: the tie between them... {Liens mutuels} Klemz: the tie between them...(II) {Liens mutuels} Klemz: the end of time
Klemz: the experiment Klemz: the party {La fête} Klemz: rumour Klemz: rumour II Klemz: rumour III Klemz: good fortune {Fortune} Klemz: good fortune I {Fortune} Klemz: good fortune II {Fortune}
Klemz: house between the rocks {Maison parmi les rochers} Klemz: the Ikarus feeling {Le sentiment d'Ikarus} Klemz: the pair {Le paire} Klemz: the principle of romantic love {Le principe de l'amour romantique} Klemz: the cycle of history {Le cycle de l'histoire} Klemz: the red robe Klemz: the red robe II Klemz: the game may begin...
Klemz: sweet life Klemz: the legacy Klemz: Demeter Klemz: sacrificed to the Sun Lord Klemz: abandoned to primeval forces Klemz: the appearance {L'apparition} Klemz: the appearance I {L'apparition} Klemz: the view behind the mirror
Klemz: the choleric Klemz: the fall of Icarus {Le cas d'Icare} Klemz: the fallen Klemz: happy fool Klemz: green moon Klemz: the heartbreaker Klemz: Hell's vengeance boils in my heart! Klemz: the individualist {L'individualiste}
Klemz: the empty heaven Klemz: the last evening {La dernière soirée} Klemz: the last dance? Klemz: might and its companions {L'homme puissant et ses compagnons} Klemz: man - hero or fool? {L'homme - héros ou bouffon?} Klemz: out of luck {Le malchanceux} Klemz: the advice {Le conseil} Klemz: the bard
Klemz: the Shaman Klemz: beautiful view of Donauwörth {Belle vue sur Donauwörth} Klemz: beautiful frame {Beau cadre} Klemz: the soloist Klemz: the jester Klemz(Knop): the beach excursion {L'excursion à la plage} Klemz: the day after Klemz: the dancing zebras {Les zèbres dansants}
Klemz(Knop): the temple on the river {Le temple sur la rivière} Klemz: the dream of Jerome Klemz: the dream of Tristan Klemz(Knop): the dream of a beautiful abyss {Le rêve d'un bel abîme} Klemz: the accident {L'accident} Klemz(Knop): mourning {La perte} Klemz: the mediator Klemz: peeping Tom
Klemz: the magician {Le magicien} Klemz: Desert Sunset Klemz: the Emperor's new clothes Klemz(Knop): the fear of morning... {La peur du matin...} the dissolution of Oberon and Titania {La dissolution d'Obéron et Titania} Klemz: blue island Klemz: blue island II Klemz: blue island III
Klemz: blue hour Klemz: blue hour I Klemz: blue hour II Klemz: wicked mother Klemz: the bride Klemz: the three ladies (The Magic Flute) {Les trois dames (La Flûte Enchantée)} Klemz: the three graces Klemz(Knop): the dark blue synx, which we don't recognize... {Le synx bleu foncé, que nous ne reconnaissons pas...}
Klemz(Knop): the loneliness of the tree in barren landscape {La solitude de l'arbre dans paysage aride} Klemz(Knop): the unveiling {Le dévoilement} Klemz: the decision Klemz: the eternal rest(lessness) Klemz: the exiles Klemz: the Fairy Queen Klemz: the friends of the gardener Klemz: girlfriend
Klemz: the tamed Klemz: isle of the lost dream Klemz: isle of the lost dream II Klemz: the childlike empress Klemz: the little Princess Klemz: Clever Elsie Klemz: the Queen of the Night Klemz: the procuring mother {L'marieur (la Mère)}
Klemz: masters in the art of living Klemz: the magic of things {La magie des choses} Klemz: Muses waiting for the poet Klemz: the new woman Klemz: the orange princess Klemz: the phantasy machine Klemz: the phantasy machine II Klemz: princess II
Klemz: Puppeteer Klemz: Puppeteer II Klemz: the return of the Phoenix Klemz: the return of the Phoenix III Klemz: the princess of salads Klemz: the gentle woman Klemz: shaman II {Chaman femelle} Klemz: the pace-makers
Klemz: the silent majority Klemz: the seven deadly sins {Les sept péchés capitaux} Klemz: the strict fairy Klemz: the hour of the nightingale Klemz: the hours before the final conflagration {Les heures devant le dernier feu} Klemz: the hour before the desired conquest Klemz: Tartar woman Klemz: the injury {La violation}
Klemz: the lost time {Le temps perdu} Klemz: temptation Klemz(Knop): incipient conversion {Conversion naissante} Klemz: the fortune teller {Voyante} Klemz: forest fairy Klemz: courting Klemz: time regained Klemz: the winter cook
Klemz: the faint-hearted Klemz: Diotima Klemz: Jamila {Dschamila} Klemz: Danube backwater Klemz: Danube backwater II Klemz: the plain of the Danube Klemz: the three sisters Klemz: Dualistic self-portrait
Klemz: Dualistic self-portrait II Klemz: Dualistic self-portrait III Klemz: dunes {Paysage de dunes} Klemz: dunes III {Paysage de dunes}

☜  E:
Klemz: Ebermergen Klemz: an old dream on the Bosphorus {Un vieux rêve à Bosphore} Klemz(Knop): ancient fairytale Klemz(Knop): a debate between hands {Un débat entre les mains} Klemz: woman's business Klemz: an illusion of landscape {Une illusion de paysage} Klemz: an angel? {Un ange?} Klemz(Knop): a conversion {Une transformation}
Klemz: a faraway destination Klemz: invitation to play Klemz: a new day Klemz: a rest of sensitivity {Sensibilité restant...} Klemz: lonely chair {Chaise solitaire} Klemz: Solitude Klemz: Solitude II Klemz: embarkation for Cythera {Embarquement pour Cythère}
Klemz: a game? Klemz: a day in red {Un jour en rouge} Klemz: a dream of paradise Klemz(Knop): an unstoppable fall {Une chute irrésistible} Klemz: delicate happiness... Klemz: delicate happiness II Klemz: delicate happiness III Klemz(Knop): Elba
Klemz: elegiac nymph Klemz: Eliane Klemz: El indígena (Hommage to Salgado) Klemz: ending of a dream Klemz: final farewell Klemz: angel - slightly damaged {Ange - facilement abîme} Klemz: angel on the move {Ange en route} Klemz: touching
Klemz: sublime feeling of life in the province Klemz: sublime feeling of life in the province (Mauerschau 2009) Klemz: he gave in {Il a cédé} Klemz: remembering Novalis Klemz: remembering Waltraud B. Klemz: remembering last spring Klemz: memories of a distant childhood Klemz: enlightenment?
Klemz: Eros {Éros} Klemz(Knop): erotic ritual Klemz: he won't come any more Klemz: he won't come any more II Klemz: an educationial measure Klemz: an educationial measure II Klemz: Es Cubells (Ibiza) {Eivissa} Klemz: Eve's transformations {L'évolution d'Eva}
Klemz: Eve and Olympia - an attempt at emancipation

☜  F:
Klemz: false caresses {De fausses caresses} Klemz: family happiness Klemz: family myth Klemz: family myth II Klemz(Knop): studies in colour {Etudes de color} Klemz: oracle of carnival {Oracle du carnaval} Klemz: almost a standstill Klemz: rock of wisdom
Klemz: a garden of rocks Klemz: ruin on the rock Klemz(Knop): remote atoll Klemz: Finis terrae Klemz: fish people Klemz: a fleeting touch Klemz: vanishing point solitude {Fuite à la solitude} Klemz: vanishing point solitude I {Fuite à la solitude}
Klemz: vanishing point uncertainty {Fuite à la incertitude} Klemz: fragile loveliness Klemz: woman by the river Klemz: female roles... {Rôles féminins...} Klemz: woman with child {Femme avec l'enfant} Klemz: estrangement Klemz: friendship Klemz: Frida Kahlo
Klemz: spring awakening {L'éveil du printemps} Klemz: prepared for Christmas...

☜  G:
Klemz: Gardez! - in the evening {Gardez! - Dans la soirée} Klemz: the juggler's tale Klemz: rogue honour {L'honneur des escrocs} Klemz: rogue honour II {Honneur des escrocs} Klemz: birth of the Phoenix Klemz: birth of an illusion Klemz: Geest (Heathland) {Paysage lande} Klemz: risky game {Jeu dangereux}
Klemz(Knop): fettered desire {Lié saudade} Klemz: secrets of a genteel lady Klemz: secrets of a genteel lady II Klemz: Genderkingen Klemz: planned nature Klemz: armed angel (incensed) {Ange avec armure (indigné)} Klemz: failed seduction {Séduction avortée} Klemz: dreamt landscape (Danube)
Klemz: dreamt landscape (Iceland) Klemz: stormy atmosphere in May Klemz: Girls Day Klemz(Knop): Gloria Klemz: Gratia and Invidia Klemz(Knop): cruel unicorn Klemz: boundary {Frontière} Klemz: great snail happiness {Grand fortune des escargots}
Klemz: gypsies {Tsiganes}

☜  H:
Klemz: Haeckel's maritime garden today {Jardin maritime de Haeckel aujourd'hui} Klemz: hand signal {Mains levées} Klemz: Arlequin Klemz: Arlequin I Klemz: Arlequin II Klemz: Arlequin III Klemz: house in the south Klemz: house in the south I
Klemz: House of Usher Klemz: House of Usher I Klemz: Heath landscape Klemz: sacred place Klemz: Helmut Klemz: Henny Klemz: autumn {Automne} Klemz: Autumn Goddess
Klemz: fog in autumn {Brouillard en automne} Klemz(Knop): autumnal atmosphere {Vent d'automne} Klemz: queen of hearts Klemz: helpless Klemz: heavenly visions over a Bavarian landscape Klemz: behind the cool facade Klemz: behind the mask Klemz: Hl. Kreuz
Klemz: the high moor Klemz: homage to my grandmother {Hommage à ma grand-mère} Klemz(Knop): homage to Patinir {Hommage à Patinir} Klemz: Hoppingen Klemz: custodian of the garden {Gardienne du jardin} Klemz: Hverarönd (Iceland) {Islande}

☜  I:
Klemz: Ibiza {Eivissa} Klemz: Ibiza I {Eivissa} Klemz: Ibiza II {Eivissa} Klemz: Ibiza - south coast Klemz: in the alluvial forest {Dans la forêt alluviale} Klemz: in harmony {En harmonie} Klemz: in the garden of earthly delights {Dans le jardin des désirs} Klemz: in the garden of the sorceress
Klemz: in the glass garden Klemz: in the fairy forest {Dans la forêt de conte} Klemz: pearl garden Klemz(Knop): in the realm of the Fire God {Dans l'Empire du Dieu du Feu} Klemz: in the realm of master M.E. Klemz: in the realm of the Sun God {Dans l'Empire du Seigneur du Soleil} Klemz: in the south Klemz: in the south II
Klemz: in the forest of Morois Klemz: winter {Hiver} Klemz: in the bloom of her life... Klemz: in the gorge {Dans la gorge} Klemz: in the gorge II {Dans la gorge} Klemz: myth of the island Klemz: myth of the island II Klemz: Intermezzo
Klemz: introvert master in the art of living Klemz: Iceland Klemz: Iceland III Klemz(Knop): isolation Klemz: Isolde's tears Klemz: is it just a game...? Klemz: Ivan

☜  J:
Klemz: Jeanne d'Arc Klemz: Jeanne Klemz: Jonas Klemz: Judith Klemz: Justice

☜  K:
Klemz(Knop): Kashubian wedding Klemz: Cassandra {Cassandre} Klemz: cathedral Klemz: no more waiting {Ne plus attendre} Klemz: little amazone Klemz: little amazone II Klemz: small trophies of great days Klemz: small erotic landscape
Klemz(Knop): small erotic reverie Klemz: little Eve Klemz: little Eve III Klemz: little landscape II Klemz: a little nocturne Klemz: little princess Klemz: little princess II Klemz: small private hell
Klemz(Knop): little romance {Petite romance} Klemz(Knop): little romance I {Petite romance} Klemz: small temple of Venus Klemz: little serenade Klemz(Knop): small erotic still life Klemz: small paradise Klemz: small snail happiness {Le petit fortune de escargots} Klemz: small still life {Petite Nature morte}
Klemz: little Venus II {Petite Venus} Klemz: comedy of power {La comédie du pouvoir} Klemz: queen Klemz(Knop): precious cold Klemz: precious moment Klemz: lady in fancy dress {Dame costumée} Klemz: cool freedom {Liberté frais} Klemz: cool staging in empty rooms
Klemz: cool nude {Le nu froid} Klemz: frigid beauty Klemz: cool Christmas {Un Noël froid} Klemz: cool game {Un jeu frais} Klemz: artist with pouting muse {Avec l'artiste sa boudeuse muse}

☜  L:
Klemz(Knop): La belle dame sans merci Klemz: labyrinth Klemz: Lady in Blue Klemz: Lady Macbeth Klemz: Landmannalaugar (Iceland) Klemz: scenery with Murnau {Paysage chez Murnau} Klemz: scenery with Murnau III {Paysage chez Murnau} Klemz: scenery with Murnau IV {Paysage chez Murnau}
Klemz: landscape in the north Klemz: landscape in the south Klemz(Knop): landscape studies Klemz: landscape drawing {Signes de paysage} Klemz: landscape drawing II (Auerberg) {Signes de paysage} Klemz: landscape drawing III (Murnau) {Signes de paysage} Klemz: landing on enemy shores {Débarquement sur les riverains ennemis} Klemz: La Princesa
Klemz: woman burdened Klemz: caprice of chance {Caprice du hasard} Klemz(Knop): Laurien {Lórien} Klemz: La Vedrà (Ibiza) {Eivissa} Klemz: La Velada Klemz(Knop): live with this burden? {Vivre avec ce fardeau?} Klemz: patterns of living Klemz: traces of a life
Klemz: ways of life Klemz: light sadness Klemz: Leda Klemz: Lena Klemz: Le voyageur Klemz: please don't! {Je ne préfère pas!} Klemz: Liguria Klemz: Lolita?
Klemz: Lolita II Klemz: Lucifer - the carrier of light

☜  M:
Klemz: Madame Chauchat Klemz: Madonna Klemz(Knop): Maghreb memories {Maghreb souvenirs} Klemz: magic of the stones {La magie des pierres} Klemz: magical moment Klemz: magical place {Lieu magique} Klemz: magical place I {Lieu magique} Klemz: macrocosmic feelings in provincial life
Klemz: almond blossom Klemz: Manet's friends waiting for better times... Klemz: Prince Charming unkissed Klemz: Guinevere masked {Guenièvre masquée} Klemz: matriarchy Klemz: Maurice Klemz: meditation I Klemz: meditation II
Klemz: meditation IV Klemz: ocean calm Klemz: my heart is a mournful time Klemz: Melancholia or the birth of imagination Klemz: melancholy {Mélancolie} Klemz: melancholy I {Mélancolie} Klemz: Ménage à trois Klemz: Merlin's garden
Klemz: Merlin's palace {Château de Merlin} Klemz: Merlin's palace I {Château de Merlin} Klemz: Merlin's wood {Forêt de Merlin} Klemz: metamorphosis {Métamorphose} Klemz: metamorphoses in autumn II Klemz: Midlife Crisis {Crise de la quarantaine} Klemz: Miriam Klemz: dance at midnight
Klemz(Knop): moderatio Klemz: modern lady on a Unicorn Klemz: modernized muse - waiting for its poet {Muse modernisée - en attente de son poète} Klemz: nature modernized Klemz: nature modernized II Klemz: moon flower {Fleur de lune} Klemz: moonlight Klemz: moonlight II
Klemz: moonlight III Klemz: Monte Klemz: Monte I Klemz: Monte Baldo Klemz: dawn {L'aube se lève} Klemz: ballad of the fallen girl {Ballade sur la jeune fille tombée} Klemz: Mrs. Dalloway Klemz: Murnau II
Klemz: Murnauer Moos Klemz: Murnauer Moos I Klemz: mussel rock Klemz: shell woman Klemz: Mýrdalssandur (Iceland) {Islande}

☜  N:
Klemz: after the fancy-dress ball Klemz: after the winter Klemz: spectres of the night {Fantômes de nuit} Klemz: nocturnal conspiracy Klemz: nocturnal magic garden Klemz: nightmare Klemz: by the river at night {Au rivière de nuit} Klemz: lake at night time {Au lac de nuit}
Klemz: naive illusions after the end of the Cold War Klemz: Nature morte II Klemz: Nature morte III Klemz: fog Klemz: foggy landscape Klemz: lunar fog Klemz: forest in fog Klemz: new amazone
Klemz: new perspectives {De nouvelles perspectives} Klemz: no man's land II Klemz(Knop): Ninive - afterwards {Ninive - plus tard} Klemz: nomad {nomade} Klemz: north of the future {Au nord de l'avenir} Klemz: north of the future I {Au nord de l'avenir} Klemz: northern landscape II Klemz: Nördlingen
Klemz: days in november (Danube) {Journées de novembre sur le Danube}

☜  O:
Klemz: Obere Reichsstraße - Fragment Klemz: Oberon and Titania Klemz: Ohlstadt Klemz: without title {Sans titre} Klemz: given up Klemz(Knop): sacrificial ritual {Rituel sacrificiel} Klemz: oriental dance Klemz: oriental vision
Klemz: Orpheus Klemz: Orpheus - fleeing? Klemz: overture I Klemz: overture II Klemz: overture III Klemz: overture IV Klemz: overture V Klemz: overture VI
Klemz: overture VII Klemz: overture VIII Klemz: overture IX Klemz: overture X

☜  P-Q:
Klemz: Paloma Klemz(Knop): Pandora Klemz: Papageno Klemz: Papageno II Klemz: bird of paradise Klemz: Pas de deux Klemz(Knop): Pazzon Klemz: Pegasus
Klemz: Piemont Klemz(Knop): portrait I (girl) {Fille} Klemz(Knop): portrait IV (girl) {Fille} Klemz(Knop): portrait VI Klemz(Knop): Priest of the forgotten temple {Prêtre du temple oublié} Klemz: Prometheus

☜  R:
Klemz: Ramberg Klemz: Ramberg II Klemz: Rapunzel's garden Klemz: Reichsstraße früher und heute Klemz: excitement before travelling {Fièvre du départ} Klemz: irritating and attractive tumour Klemz(Knop): Hippeastrum (Amaryllis) Klemz: romance in the green {Romance à la campagne}
Klemz: looking back Klemz: the return of the Phoenix III Klemz: Rügen Klemz: ruin Hochhaus at Hürnheim

☜  S:
Klemz: tell me {Parle- moi} Klemz: Salome {Salomé} Klemz: Salome III {Salomé} Klemz: Salome IV {Salomé} Klemz: gentle calm {Calme doux} Klemz: evening chess Klemz: shaman {Chaman femelle} Klemz: sleepless
Klemz: Snake Goddess Klemz: dance of veils Klemz: snail flower {Fleur de escargot} Klemz: sisters of love {Les sœurs de l'amour} Klemz: landscape of the soul Klemz: lakeside {Rive du lac} Klemz: desire Klemz: his idea of a woman? {Son idée de la femme?}
Klemz(Knop): self-portrait with bat Klemz: self-portrait with mask Klemz: a woman in September Klemz: Sibyl Klemz: Sierra Almenara (Murcia) Klemz: Sierra Almenara II (Murcia) Klemz: they will never understand each other... {Ils ne se comprendront jamais...} Klemz(Knop): silver jewellery {Bijoux en argent}
Klemz(Knop): silvery wood {Forêt d'argent} Klemz: summer {Été} Klemz: happiness in summer {Chance estivale} Klemz: summer fairy tale I {Un conte estivale} Klemz: Midsummer Night's Dream {Songe d'une nuit d'été} Klemz: Sundays in D. {Dimanches en D.} Klemz: late autumn {La fin de l'automne} Klemz: Staffelsee
Klemz: strong women? {Des femmes fortes?} Klemz: Steinberg Klemz: Steinberg I Klemz(Knop): silence {Calme} Klemz(Knop): still life with doll {Nature morte avec poupée} Klemz: still life I {Nature morte} Klemz: still life II {Nature morte} Klemz: still life III {Nature morte}
Klemz: silent sadness {Douce tristesse} Klemz: searching for light {Désir de lumière} Klemz: searching for light I {Désir de lumière} Klemz: Strindberg's night {Nuit de Strindberg} Klemz(Knop): Studienarbeiten I {Travail d'étude} Klemz(Knop): Studienarbeiten II {Travail d'étude} Klemz(Knop): Studienarbeiten III {Travail d'étude} Klemz: stormy night {Nuit d'orage}
Klemz: southern landscape {Paysage méridional} Klemz: Sun Klemz: Sun - gentleness, wind {Sun - le doux, le vent}

☜  T:
Klemz: dancing Harlequin {Arlequin dansant} Klemz: dancing couple {Couple de danseurs} Klemz: dancing couple II {Couple de danseurs} Klemz: dancer {Danseuse} Klemz: dancing on the edge of the abyss {Danse sur l'abîme} Klemz: dewdrop {Goutte de rosée} Klemz: Teresa Klemz: trio
Klemz: Tesoro I Klemz: Tesoro II Klemz: Tesoro III Klemz: Tesoro IV Klemz: Tesoro V Klemz: Tesoro VI Klemz: Tesoro VII Klemz: Tesoro VIII
Klemz: Titania's realm {L'Empire de Titania} Klemz: Tuscany {Toscane} Klemz: Tuscany I {Toscane} Klemz: Tuscany III {Toscane} Klemz: dream {Rêve} Klemz: the dream of the confectioner {Le rêve du pâtissier Klemz: dreams {Rêves} Klemz(Knop): dreams I {Rêves}
Klemz: dream island {Île de rêve} Klemz: dreaming paths {Sentiers rêveurs} Klemz(Knop): dream remnants of a past {Restes de rêve d'un passé} Klemz: dream - shelter {Rêve - refuge} Klemz: sad lover {Triste amant} Klemz: sad jokers {Farceurs tristes} Klemz: consolation {Réconfort} Klemz: defiant poetess {Poétesse défiante}
Klemz: deceptive security {Sécurité trompeuse}

☜  U:
Klemz: Umbria {Ombrie} Klemz(Knop): unknown landscape {Terrain inconnu} Klemz: Undine is leaving {Ondine va} Klemz: Undine's garden {Le jardin d'Ondine} Klemz: Undine's garden I {Le jardin d'Ondine} Klemz: unexplored lakelands (of the soul) {Paysage (de l'âme) de lacs inexplorés} Klemz: uninvited messengers of love {Messagers non invités d'amour} Klemz: impatient muse {Muse impatiente}
Klemz: messages from Job unread {des messages de Job non lus} Klemz(Knop): innocence and transition {Innocence et conversion} Klemz: unfinished {Inachevé} Klemz: unfinished II {Inachevé} Klemz: unfinished conversion {Transformation inachevée}

☜  V:
Klemz: vanity {Vanité} Klemz: Venetian Carnival {Carnaval vénitien} Klemz: embittered beauty {Beauté amère} Klemz: hidden dream {Rêve caché} Klemz: scorched earth {Terre brûlée} Klemz: past idol {Idole passé} Klemz(Knop): transience {Éphémère} Klemz: cheerful angel
Klemz: promise {Promesse} Klemz: concealed truth {Vérité cachée} Klemz: abandoned lover {Chéri abandonnée} Klemz: abandoned cultures {Cultures abandonnées} Klemz: abandoned cultures I {Cultures abandonnées} Klemz: abandoned room {Espace abandonné} Klemz: loneliness {Délaissement} Klemz(Knop): loneliness I {Délaissement}
Klemz(Knop): lost? {Perdu?} Klemz: late spring fever {La fièvre de la fin du printemps} Klemz: late spring fever II {La fièvre de la fin du printemps} Klemz: playful angel {Ange ludique} Klemz(Knop): promised beauty {Beauté promise} Klemz: entanglements {Enchevêtrements} Klemz: an attempt at a forbidden touch in cool times {Tentative d'un contact interdit aux frais temps} Klemz: attempted seduction {Tentative de séduction}
Klemz: dreamy Angel {Ange rêveur} Klemz(Knop): insane conversion {Transformation dans la folie} Klemz: relationship {Ressemblance} Klemz: renunciation in cool times {Le renoncement en temps froid} Klemz: visions of development {Les visions d’un développement} Klemz: before the storm {Avant la tempête} Klemz: proviso {Réserve}

☜  W-Y:
Klemz: watchful guardian angel {L'ange gardien vigilant} Klemz: growing mistrust {Méfiance croissante} Klemz: woodland {Forêt} Klemz: Forest Goddess {Déesse de la forêt} Klemz: Forest Goddess II {Déesse de la forêt} Klemz: Forest Goddess III {Déesse de la forêt} Klemz: forest nymph {Nymphe de forêt} Klemz(Knop): When shall we three meet again? {Quand nous trois nous rencontrerons de nouveau?}
Klemz: Wasser und Fels {Eau et rochers} Klemz: all that remains... {Tout ce qui reste...} Klemz: all that remains... I {Tout ce qui reste...} Klemz: what keeps us captive... {Ce qui nous fait prisonnier...} Klemz: way into the darkness {Voie dans l'obscurité} Klemz: Christmas in the Desert... {Noël dans le désert...} Klemz: Christmas Angel {Ange Noël} Klemz: woman's business II (life continues in new garments)
{Une chose des femmes II (Vivent dans les nouvelles robes)}
Klemz: if the dark side wins... {Quand le côté obscur gagne} Klemz: when inner demons triumph... {Quand les démons intérieurs triomphent...} Klemz: if time would stand still... {Quand le temps s'arrête...} Klemz: a winter's tale {Un conte d'hiver} Klemz: winter night {Nuit d'hiver} Klemz: we are all mourning... again and again {Nous sommes tous en deuil ... encore et encore} Klemz: Wörnitz (river)

☜  Z:
Klemz: taming a compliant woman {Apprivoisée une femme douce} Klemz: tender feelings {Doux sentiments} Klemz: tender dreams of happiness {Doux rêves de fortune} Klemz: The Magic Flute I {La Flûte enchantée} Klemz: magic garden of Artemis {Le jardin magique d'Artemise} Klemz: time to part {Temps de séparation} Klemz: fragile beauty {Beauté fragile} Klemz: breaking point {Danse infernale}
Klemz: destroyed myth {Mythe détruit} Klemz: circus fanfare {Fanfares de cirque} Klemz: lemon moon {Lune Lemon} Klemz: refuge Klemz: refuge I Klemz: refuge II Klemz: refuge III Klemz: refuge V
Klemz: prepared to receive {Prêt à recevoir...} Klemz: abandoned memories {Souvenirs abandonnés} Klemz: petrification {Pétrifié} Klemz: two kinds of growth {Deux manières de croissance} Klemz: two girlfriends {Deux amies} Klemz: two sisters {Deux sœurs} Klemz: between illness and recovery {Entre la maladie et guérison}

☞   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P-Q  R  S  T  U  V  W-Y  Z

☞  alle Bildtitel  alphabetisch geordnet  { ☞  todos títulos  en orden alfabético}  { ☞  all titles  in alphabetical order}
{ ☞  todas miniaturas  en orden alfabético}  { ☞  all miniatures  in alphabetical order}

aktuelle Bilderzahl {número actual de cuadros}: 
neuestes Bild {cuadro nuevo}:
Klemz: Salome
☜  zurück zum Anfang der Seite  {ir a principio de la página}

zu meinen Bildergalerien 1-8

Klemz: La hora antes de la conquista soñada {L'heure avant la conquête désirée}
Klemz: Sendas de la vida {Les chemins de vie}
Klemz: Los exiliados {Les exilés}
Klemz: Jardín nocturno mágico {Magique jardin nocturne}
Klemz: Soledad {Solitude}
Klemz: Cortejo patético
Klemz: Sociedad absurda {Société absurde}
Klemz: Peña de la sabiduría {Rocher de la sagesse}

 Nicola Klemz: Katalog  (download .pdf, ca. 2.8MB)
 Nicola Klemz: Flyer  (download .pdf, ca. 1.2MB)


{a mis galerías 1-8}

Klemz: Die Stunde vor der erwünschten Eroberung
Klemz: Lebenswege
Klemz: Die Exilanten
Klemz: Nächtlicher Zaubergarten
Klemz: Einsamkeit
Klemz: Balz pathétique
Klemz: Absurde Gesellschaft
Klemz: Fels der Weisheit

☞  Nicola Klemz: catálogo  (descargar .pdf, ca. 2.8MB)
☞  Nicola Klemz: folleto  (descargar .pdf, ca. 1.2MB)

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{ Correo electrónico:,  apoyado por  rl,  actualizado 16.12.2023 }   ©NicolaKlemz(rl)

1.10.2024, deM